Carpenter Syndrome Treatment in Dallas, TX
Carpenter syndrome can be accurately diagnosed and treated at the International Craniofacial Institute in Dallas, Texas. If you or someone you know has a family member with Carpenter syndrome, you may be interested in learning more about the syndrome, how common it is, why it happens, and how the International Craniofacial Institute can help.
What Is Carpenter Syndrome?
Carpenter syndrome was named after George Carpenter, a physician who lived from 1859 to 1910 and the man who first noticed and described the syndrome. The first naming of the syndrome occurred in 1901 when Carpenter saw distinct similarities between a boy and his two sisters with the syndrome.
Carpenter syndrome is quite similar to Pfeiffer and Apert syndromes, but there are several distinct differences. Carpenter syndrome occurs when the baby’s skull closes or fuses its sutures early during gestation. These fusions occur on the top and/or sides.
How Do People Inherit Carpenter Syndrome?
Carpenter syndrome is inherited from the parents, but it is not very common. Even when both of the parents have the gene that causes this syndrome, there is still only a 1 in 4 chance that they will have a baby with the syndrome.
How Common Is Carpenter Syndrome?
Carpenter syndrome is a rare genetic craniofacial disorder and is not very common even when the parents both carry the gene.
Carpenter Syndrome Characteristics
Many characteristics help medical professionals and others define and diagnose Carpenter syndrome. First, the head of these individuals tends to be short from the front to the back. It is also narrower and longer than the average head. This creates a tower effect. The eye sockets may be wide set and poorly formed with a downward slope.
The jaw may be underdeveloped with a narrow and high palate, and it is common for the individual to have a nasal bridge that is especially flat with the end of the nose upturned. The nasal openings tend to be large. The ears may also be malformed and distinctively low set. Other characteristics are short toes, fingers, and hands. Some toes or fingers may be fused.
What Is the Cause of Carpenter Syndrome?
Carpenter syndrome does not have a distinct cause that is known today. Most professionals believe that this syndrome and others like it are all caused by mutations of the genes.
Carpenter Syndrome Treatment
Carpenter syndrome is a craniofacial issue, so when someone comes to us with one of these issues, we check out specific factors for possible treatment. This includes closely studying the functions of the face, head, and limbs. We also look at the underlying structures of the skeleton, brain, and central nervous system. Each craniofacial case is different, and even Carpenter syndrome alone will appear differently in each individual. Abnormal growth patterns will be seen throughout the growth period, so changes may develop that we will have to address over time. Some of the treatments offered for this syndrome are hand reconstruction, speech therapy, and the surgical removal of sutures in the skull.
Why Choose International Craniofacial Institute?
The International Craniofacial Institute in Dallas, Texas is a leading institute for the accurate diagnosis and quality treatment of Carpenter syndrome and other syndromes and conditions. Our institute was founded in 1971 by Dr. Kenneth Salyer, a surgeon. Today, the institute is organized and led by the director, Dr. David G. Genecov. Dr. Genecov operates the International Craniofacial Institute as one of the nation’s most prestigious centers for palate repair, craniofacial repair, and cleft lip repair.
At our institute, we train doctors and surgeons from all over the world. In addition, our doctors have treated more than 17000 patients. These patients come from the United States, as well as other countries.
To alter and correct craniofacial abnormalities and difficulties, a high skill set is demanded, and we have that here. Our doctors, surgeons and the rest of the staff are extremely knowledgeable and always up to date on the newest methods of diagnosis and treatment. Among all of our employees, we have decades of experience working with different syndromes, including Carpenter syndrome.
If you have a child or another family member who is suffering from a genetic syndrome or has a cleft lip, cleft palate, or craniofacial complication, the staff at the International Craniofacial Institute can help. Contact us today to talk with the doctors and staff about your options and how we can help.